Thornton Student to Study at Trinity College Oxford

Posted: 19th May 2023

a photo of Sophie

Mrs Walker, Thornton’s Development and Marketing Director, recently caught up with Sophie Duffin-Jones who left Thornton last summer after studying in our Sixth Form, about her time here.

“I joined Thornton in Year 2 when I was six years old. Looking back I loved the sense of community with friends and teachers. It’s such a warm and welcoming place; it doesn’t matter if you’re struggling with something – there’s always somebody there who you can go to.  

“My favourite subject was History, but Art was also amazing. The art department is incredible, but I enjoyed most subjects. All of the teachers are lovely, even if it was a subject I didn’t like so much I could still enjoy it because of them.  

“I think Thornton made me thrive because the teachers and pastoral team encourage you to pursue what you enjoy and what you’re best at whilst also supporting you in areas which you find more challenging. The teachers worked with me individually to attain what I needed without dictating subjects that I wouldn’t enjoy and therefore not achieve as highly. 

“Now that I’ve left Thornton I’m off to Trinity College at the University of Oxford in October to study History. 

“My advice to any students who are thinking about university is to follow what you want to do, enjoy and feel passionate about. Really focus on what’s best for you and what you’d enjoy most.”

Categories: Academic Alumni Sixth Form
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Outstanding in All Areas - CSI Inspection May 2024

Thornton College is delighted to announce that we received “Outstanding” in all areas of our CSI Inspection, May 2024.

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