Spotlight Careers: Police

Posted: 14th March 2025

Inspector Andy Fiddler from Thames Valley Police delivered a fantastic talk on opportunities and roles within the Force.

Thames Valley is the largest non metropolitan police force in the country, and is currently building a state of the art Forensics Building at Bicester.

Andy showcased different entry routes that Thames Valley offer, including the Detective Constable Entry Programme, The Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship and The Police Constable Entry Programme. He gave some great application advice, which included researching the mission and values of the organisation. This is something our students work on in their Year 11 PHSE lessons, as it is essential preparation for any job application.

Life experience outside school is valued highly by both the Military and the Police and it is important to engage in your local community and look at joining organisations such as Cadets. Andy finished by saying that the Police is one of the best careers as it is so varied and no day is ever the same. He has first hand evidence of this, having been responsible for writing Harper’s Law, the fastest public generated law ever passed, which states that anyone guilty of killing an emergency worker will be jailed for life. We are looking forward to welcoming three of Andy’s colleagues at the careers event on Monday 17th March, which all our students are welcome to attend.

Categories: Careers Senior School