
Equestrian Team Compete at Hickstead

9th June 2023

Well done to Thornton’s Equestrian team who competed at the Hickstead Championships last week. Thornton had an inexperienced team in the dressage competition, which meant that we weren’t placed as a team, but Imogen, Lucy and Sasha all acquitted themselves very well, in what was a competitive field. Thanks go to Imogen, who stepped into…

Equestrian Team at NSEA County Championships

10th June 2022

Six of Thornton’s Equestrian Squad took part in the NSEA County Championships at Hickstead from 28th – 30th May.  Imogen Breakell, Sasha Kurz, Clemmie Orledge, Charlotte Hopkins, Freya Cook and Zara Rawdings represented Thornton in these prestigious national championships, which involved schools from across England and Wales. The girls competed in dressage, eventer challenge and show-jumping classes…

More Equestrian Team Success

2nd November 2021

Thornton Equestrian Team had a very successful half-term, qualifying for two NSEA national finals in first place. On Friday 29th October, Charlotte H, Clemmie O and Sasha K took part in a NSEA dressage qualifier at Bury Farm, near Leighton Buzzard.  They won the team competition in the Prelimery class beating seven other teams. Charlotte…