Airida Zitkeviciute from Freeths Solicitors gave students a great insight into the law apprenticeship route to mark National Apprenticeship Week. Freeths, an award winning law firm, offer a number of Solicitor Apprenticeships every year at their thirteen UK offices. They specialise in every area of law except for criminal and, as part of the apprenticeship,…
We were lucky to be joined by Old Thorntonian Emma Evans, who has recently started her first job in the Charity Sector. Emma’s dream when she was in Year 11 at Thornton was to have a fulfilling career in international development which would genuinely impact people’s lives for the better. She spoke about the role…
A group of aspiring lawyers from Year 12 and Year 10 Politics students, visited Milton Keynes Magistrates Court, where criminal cases go through their first hearing. The students spent time in an empty court learning about the workings and procedures of the court including the role of the Presiding Magistrate and two wingers, defence solicitors,…
On Tuesday our Year 12s enjoyed a fantastic drinks, canapes and dinner with Alumni and friends of our wonderful school. It was their first opportunity of the year to start to build the networking skills that are so important for university and the workplace. Students chatted to guests from Marketing, Publishing, Business, Healthcare, Dentistry, Accountancy,…
Alison Urban from Immerse Education delivered a great workshop for Year 10 students with a focus on preparing for careers that don’t exist yet. Students looked at the changing job market and how creativity and innovation shape career pathways. Jobs looked at in detail were Chief Listening Officer, Cloud Architect, Tele Medicine Physician and Director…
On Wednesday 24th April, our Year 12 students welcomed delegates from a number of different job sectors at a networking breakfast. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to chat informally, developing their all-important soft skills and find out more about roles and career pathways. We were delighted to be joined by representatives from…
My name is Alana. I’m currently studying in Sixth Form. I’m going to share with you my journey so far at Thornton. I distinctly remember my first day at Thornton ten years ago. I was just seven years old feeling half nervous half excited, but mostly optimistic. Soon after I was welcomed into the school,…
On Tuesday 5th March Thornton hosted the second of our student debates with St Paul’s school. Thornton students proposed the motion that ‘social media does more harm than good’, whilst students from St Paul’s offered points in opposition. Arguments ranged from discussion of the impact on mental health, self esteem and social interaction to the…
Girls in Science is a non-profit organisation who we have worked with over the last year to create a dynamic event that took place this week. This was hosted by Santander at their brand new headquarters at Unity Place. Ten other local schools joined the conference, which focussed on ‘Outside the Box’. Lakechia Jeanne introduced…
Students from Years 10, 11 and 12 signed up to visit Aiimi, a data and AI company providing expert data strategy consulting and AI solutions to multinational organisations, at their state of the art office. The company moved from London Bridge three years ago, choosing Milton Keynes for its location and talent pool, and have created an…
AstraZeneca offer some fabulous Degree Apprenticeships, and we are so grateful to Scott Staple for hosting a seminar with four of our Year 12 students interested in this pathway. Scott completed his HR Degree Apprenticeship last year. When he applied, there were four different streams of apprenticeship available at the company, now there are fifteen,…
As part of their PHSE module, Next Steps, Year 11 have welcomed a number of speakers. This includes current Year 12 students, sharing their experience of vocational qualifications and why they chose them and old girls who have just graduated from university. We were recently joined by Lee, the Apprenticeship Manager from Milton Keynes University…