girls sat on a bench

College Life

Thornton College is a community where we all work hard and enjoy school life engaging in all the opportunities we’re surrounded with.  In this section of the website you can find out about:

  • Our wonderful school facilities
  • The history and importance of our School Houses and Charities
  • Our extensive extra-curricular programme of over 80 clubs and societies on offer each week!
  • Our incredible careers programme (winning the Independent Schools of the Year Award in 2020) and STEAM opportunities
  • Our incredible Parents Association, Friends of Thornton
  • Our School Shop
  • Our catering team and the incredible food they prepare each and every day
  • Our Holiday camps programme
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Outstanding in All Areas - CSI Inspection May 2024

Thornton College is delighted to announce that we received “Outstanding” in all areas of our CSI Inspection, May 2024.

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